So, we’ve read so much these past few months about lawyers learning to work from home, going paperless overnight, embracing remote technology with Zoom meetings and video court hearings. But once the Major Family Law team had mastered all those, we decided to set ourselves a more colourful challenge.

Back in April the unusually mild weather gave us an interesting idea: why not see who among us could grow the tallest and proudest sunflower from seed over the spring and summer months? A little friendly rivalry while most of us continued working from home.

Our competition came to a close yesterday as the enthusiastic would-be Monty Dons used those green fingers to exchange final measurements in the team WhatsApp chat. The contenders ranged from non-runners and flowerless flops to impressive specimens 18 inches and upwards in height!

As expected, there was an early sprouting from the front runner (with a head start from his greenhouse!) and Super Sam Carter duly took the crown with an unrivalled 73” beauty. He is now officially the Major Family Law Sunflower Man. Here he is savouring his victory – and rightly so!

Sam Carter child arrangement solicitor