Major Family Law promotes equality of opportunity and respect for diversity. We are committed to eliminating discrimination, and promote equality and diversity in our policies, practices and procedures.
It is our intention to treat everyone equally and with the same attention, courtesy and respect regardless of their age, disability, sex (including gender reassignment), marital status (including Civil Partnerships), pregnancy and maternity, race, nationality, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
We recognise the benefits of having a diverse workforce and endeavour to recruit from the widest possible pool of qualified candidates. We treat all our employees and job applicants equally and fairly, without discriminating unjustifiably against them. We apply these same principles to our clients, our suppliers, and to third parties with whom we have dealings.
Data on our staff diversity, collected anonymously in July 2023, is displayed in our office and can be provided on request. Due to the risk of staff being identified through their anonymous data and reference to their staff profiles on our website, we are unable to publish all data information without breaching the Data Protection Act 2018.