
What price knowledge? By Lewis Hulatt

In this special post, consultant solicitor Lewis Hulatt explores the value of professional legal advice   We solicitors get asked a lot of questions. Let’s consider two recent…

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Why I chose the new SQE route

The Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) is the new route to qualification in England and Wales, replacing the LPC and training contract. What is involved in…

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Do I need a solicitor?

If your family law case is straightforward and uncomplicated, then no, you may not need a solicitor. It is quite possible, for example, to get…

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What is the difference between a family law solicitor and a barrister?

Barristers and solicitors are both lawyers but they specialise in different areas of legal practice. If you contact a law firm seeking advice you will…

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Will mediation make my divorce quicker?

The short answer to whether mediation will make your divorce quicker is: ’it might do’. Mediation can help you reach a mutually acceptable divorce settlement…

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Making divorce affordable: what are my options?

How much does getting divorced cost? There are always some costs associated with getting divorced but it need not be a tremendously expensive undertaking, especially…

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Why see a family solicitor?

Family law is a fulfilling career but here at Major Family Law we are always very conscious of one central truth: most of the people…

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