Major Family Law

Fundraising disco hailed by Hexham Courant

Our recent 80s disco night raised no less than £6,000 for charity. The Hexham Courant reports on the successful event here.

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Major Family Law raises £6,000 for charity

Major Family Law raised an impressive £6,000 for three charities at a recent 1980s themed disco. The ticketed event was hosted by rugby union team…

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Transparency project extended to 16 new courts

A pilot scheme which enables direct reporting on family cases has been extended to 16 more courts. The Transparency Implementation Group Reporting Pilot or TIG…

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Major Family Law announces another brilliant autumn of professional success

Major Family Law, the leading niche family law practice in the Northeast, is delighted to announce staff promotions and another appointment to its fast-growing, award-winning team.…

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Major Family Law receives further acclaim from Legal500

Major Family Law has received a further year of acclaim, its 12th, from prestigious directory the Legal 500. The Legal 500, now in its 37th…

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Northern media spotlights Major Family Law

The Northumberland press has reported on Major Family Law’s recent nomination for two trophies in the annual LexisNexis Family Law Awards. Click here to read…

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Major Family Law nominated for two prestigious awards

Major Family Law has been nominated for two awards in the prestigious national LexisNexis Family Law Awards 2023. The boutique law firm is a contender…

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Training Day North East Style

Major Family Law welcomed  a first rate team of barristers from Parklane Plowden Chambers into their Ponteland Office earlier this week to deliver a number…

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Major Family Law back in Hexham Courant

Last week we announced the recent appointments of solicitors Katharine Lowthian and Kalem Grant, bringing the Major Family Law legal team to 17 solicitors and…

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Major Family Law featured in The Northumberland Gazette

Our recent, six week, fundraising tribute to business game show The Apprentice continues to attract attention from press across the North of England. The Alnwick-based Northumberland…

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Major Family Law featured in The Hexham Courant

Major Family Law’s recent tribute to hit business TV show The Apprentice was a huge success, raising more than £5,000 for local charity The People’s Kitchen –…

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Family law meets The Apprentice!

Major Family staged a six-week tribute to veteran business game show The Apprentice from late February to early April. In keeping with the well-established format…

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