What happens if the value of my business changes during divorce?

If the value of a business you own goes up or down between the time you separate from your partner and the completion of your…

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Video-calling your kids after divorce

When parents separate or get divorced, the children will often live with one parent on a day-to-day basis – the so-called ‘resident parent’. But most…

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Are pre-civil partnership agreements legally binding?

Pre-civil partnership agreements have the same status in law as pre-nuptial agreements between married couples. In other words, they are not automatically legally binding but…

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How long can my ex claim money after a divorce?

As hard as it may be to believe, there is in fact no time limit and your ex could return to court to claim money…

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Choosing a lawyer for a Hague Convention child case

What is child abduction? The phrase ‘child abduction’ is conjures up disturbing images of menacing strangers but in reality, such crimes are rare. Children are…

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Who pays the bills during a divorce?

I am getting divorced – what do I do about money? If you are married or in a cohabiting relationship, your finances will be interwoven…

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Making divorce affordable: what are my options?

How much does getting divorced cost? There are always some costs associated with getting divorced but it need not be a tremendously expensive undertaking, especially…

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Can coercive control be used as a reason for divorce?

What is coercive control? Coercive control is a form of domestic abuse in which a person attempts to exert an unreasonable, oppressive amount of control…

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Moving abroad with your child after divorce: the law

The world became a smaller place when international travel became affordable for most people. Romance and marriage soon followed and multinational couples are now relatively…

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Why see a family solicitor?

Family law is a fulfilling career but here at Major Family Law we are always very conscious of one central truth: most of the people…

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Court of Appeal rejects decision in domestic violence case

The Court of Appeal has reinstated findings in a domestic violence case which had been set aside in the lower courts over concerns that an…

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Frequently asked questions about road traffic law

Road traffic legislation has generated more case law than almost any other area of criminal law, probably because it is challenged so often. If you…

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