
What are non-resident parents’ rights?

A child arrangements order sets out with whom a child should live and spend time with or otherwise have contact with any other person. The…

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On what grounds can you get full custody of your child?

The term “full custody” has had no real legal basis since before the introduction of the Children Act 1989. Over the years, the relevant terminology…

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Can a parent withhold a child’s passport from the other parent?

A child’s passport legally belongs to the child and is only being kept safe by their parents. When thinking about who should be the main…

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What happens at a family court hearing?

This article sets out the different types of hearing that you may attend in family proceedings, including the first hearing, dispute resolution appointment, fact finding…

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What are the different legal routes to resolving a family dispute?

When you are going through relationship breakdown, getting the right lawyer to support your unique set of circumstances who understands your goals is crucial. Disputes…

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Can I see my child if I have a non-molestation order?

Fundamentally, a non-molestation order protects the individual who made the application by preventing an abuser from using or threatening physical violence, intimidating, harassing, pestering, and…

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The legal status of fatherhood

There are many differences between motherhood and fatherhood, but the biggest and most significant occurs on the day of the birth. Motherhood is certain: there…

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How do I persuade my ex to let me take the children on holiday?

You do so via negotiation and bridge-building, whenever possible. Holidays can be a flashpoint when a couple divorce or separate, especially if they have not…

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Legal questions and answers

Is there a minimum age for a child’s wishes to be considered in a family law case? As a practising family lawyer, I am often…

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Video-calling your kids after divorce

When parents separate or get divorced, the children will often live with one parent on a day-to-day basis – the so-called ‘resident parent’. But most…

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Choosing a lawyer for a Hague Convention child case

What is child abduction? The phrase ‘child abduction’ is conjures up disturbing images of menacing strangers but in reality, such crimes are rare. Children are…

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Moving abroad with your child after divorce: the law

The world became a smaller place when international travel became affordable for most people. Romance and marriage soon followed and multinational couples are now relatively…

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