Living together

What will the new government mean for cohabiting couples?

As a family law news site recently noted, none of the three major political parties addressed the long-standing issue of cohabitation rights in their election…

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Labour Party plans changes to cohabitation law

The Labour Party has announced plans to change the current law on cohabitation if it wins power at the next General Election. Speaking at the…

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Are pre-civil partnership agreements legally binding?

Pre-civil partnership agreements have the same status in law as pre-nuptial agreements between married couples. In other words, they are not automatically legally binding but…

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‘Couples should move in together during virus lockdown’ says government

Couples who have not moved in together should consider doing so during the coronavirus lockdown, the government has suggested. Speaking at yesterday’s coronavirus news conference,…

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Heterosexual civil partnerships: the other side of equality

Earlier this month a door that has long been closed was finally opened: heterosexual couples can now enter civil partnerships as an alternative to marriage…

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A few thoughts on cohabitation

Not so long ago, cohabitation was a rarity. It was taken for granted that a committed couple would marry and a whole system of divorce…

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Cohabitation in the US has ‘tripled in 20 years’

The number of couples in the United States living together without being married has almost tripled in 21 years according to newly published figures from…

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Cohabiting couples still the fastest growing family type

Cohabitation remains the fastest growing family type in the UK, according to new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The number of households…

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We Want Prenup, We Want Prenup

Let us be honest, “scepticism about marriage” is quite often scepticism about marital breakdown and the way in which a couple’s financial affairs will be…

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Lasting Impact

Tributes were recently paid to the late Princess Diana on the 20th anniversary of her passing. I vividly remember the day that this tragedy shocked…

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Living (Together) On a Prayer

Lewis Hulatt, South East Consultant with Major Family Law, the family and children specialist solicitors, comments as follows:- I was online last week when the…

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Fifty Shades of Grey

Read what our South East Consultant, Lewis Hulatt, of Major Family Law, the best Divorce and family law solicitors, says: Neither side has ‘silver splitters’, but I…

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